Blogging Magazine For Lady Bloggers!
I can remember the wonderful/crazy moment that I had made the decision to start my own blog. It was wonderful, because I wanted to share in the different ways that I have saved over the years, and CRAZY, because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. 🙂 I thought that all I had to do, was set up a blog online, write some super savings tips, and the readers would come.
The reality was, I didn’t have a clue on how to set up a WordPress site, how to get a post published, and what in the world was social media!! I was completely overwhelmed, and I admit that I even cried a couple of times. (I know….CRAZY)! LOL I knew that I needed to step back, relax, and become a student of all the great blogging gurus out there and simply learn all that I could.
Today, I am in a much better place, but I know that I will always have to continue my education on how to have a successful blogging career. That is why I am excited to be a member & subscriber of the iBlog Magazine for professional women bloggers. This magazine has launched, and I have no doubt that it will become your premier resource for current, relevant, blogging tips and inspirational how-to advice. Right now is the perfect time to take advantage of iBlog Magazine‘s free membership, which has tons of expert blogging advice. Before I go, I have to say one more thing, don’t try to build your blog all by yourself, be a part of a community that really wants to see you succeed, because in the end, blogging is about having relationships and connecting with others.