Coffee Savings With Solofill Reusable K-Cup!

We all know how expensive the K-Cups can be for the Keurig Brewers, but I have found some coffee savings by using the Solofill Reusable K-Cup for my Keurig Brewer.  Below is how I make the perfect cup of coffee each morning, that is not only delicious, but super easy to do!     

      1. I pour some purified water from my Berkey water filter into my favorite 10 oz. coffee cup.  -)  ir?t=super08a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B003J8JP6U


2. Next, this water goes into my Keurig K130/B130 Brewing System.

Keurig K130 B130 Brewing System images   Google Search

(I really like this K
eurig, because it’s just the right size for where I have it placed in a small area on my counter-top!   This little guy is also a little coffee brewing powerhouse because it brews a cup of Joe in less than two minutes)!  

3. Now, I scoop whatever ground coffee floats my boat that morning into my Solofill Reusable K-Cup, close the lid, pop it in the brewer and hit the square button to brew!  

Some of you are probably wondering if the coffee tastes the same and not watered down.  I have personally had no problems with the taste and strength of my coffee brewed with the Solofill!   I read a lot of reviews on Amazon before I purchased this product, and I highly encourage you to look at the other reviews that people have posted on Amazon as well.   

Bottom line for me,  I will buy K-cups when they are having a sale that I can’t refuse.  But, I am thrilled to have found a way to afford to continue using my Keurig Coffee Brewer without the high cost of buying K-cups!  Below is the exact Solofill Cup that I bought, and I encourage you to look at the other styles & colors available.  

Solofill V1 GOLD CUP 24K Plated Refillable Filter Cup for Coffee Pod

Solofill V1 GOLD CUP 24K Plated Refillable Filter Cup for Coffee Pod  Grocery   Gourmet Food

Just so ya know that some of the links are my affiliate links, and if you decide to try I may get a small commission.  Thank you for your continued support and here’s to the perfect cup of joe!

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