Cute Solar Lighted Garden Decor

I’ve been loving the warm, sunny, beautiful weather we’ve been having here in East Tennessee over the last several days.

My garden is coming together, and I have been looking at different ways to add some fun details to my gardening landscape.  

I have found some neat gardening accent ideas at my local stores, but these cute solar lighted garden decor pieces at Amazon.  Their selections and prices are hard to beat, and add in the 2 day Prime, well….let’s just say I’m a big fan of Prime.  

Solar Lighted Garden Turtles 

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Solar Puppy Dog with Basket Garden Light

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You can’t find a better Mother’s Day gift for the gardening mama than this puppy light!  

Sammy Squirrel Solar Outdoor Garden Stake Light


Children Jumping Rope Playtime Solar Lighted Stake Set


I love the playfulness of the children and doggie jumping rope in this garden accent piece.  It’s a statement of times gone by for many of us when we were kids.  

Solar Garden Peacock Wine Bottle Tree


This is perfect for all of you peacock lovers out there who want to add a little comical, colorful, style to your gardening decor!   I’m pretty sure no one else will have this proud peacock in their landscape plans.  LOL  

This is just a tiny glimpse into all of the gardening decor ideas & gifts that are available at Amazon, so head there now and if you decide to buy use the following code to help you save!    


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Just so you know, that some of the links above are my referral links, which means I may get a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you of course.  Thank you for your support and I hope that I have inspired you to add a little humor to your gardening design.  :-)

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