DIY Tiling Review

Lying Down The Tile

In a recent post I did a product review on Benjamin Moore Aura Waterborne Interior Paint, and I was extremely 20130209-124207.jpgpleased with how the colors in my bathroom had turned out. I have now moved on to the next phase of my D.I.Y. project, tiling a wall border and bathroom floor. Since, I had never tiled a floor before, I decided to attend a Do It Herself workshop on, “How To Tile A Floor” that my local Home Depot was hosting. I really enjoyed the live demontration by the Home Depot associate who eagerly answered questions about what products to use, and he encouraged us to come up front and try the tiling techniques ourselves. Afterwards, I went and did my favorite thing to do, shopping for the materials that I would need to complete my project! Honestly, I could have stood in the isle of the tiling section for hours looking at the wonderful wall display of completed tiling ideas and samples. It’s a great way to visualize what design possibilities you might create in your own home decor. I chose a copper and natural stone tile combination for my wall border, and you can check out my review here: UNIQUE, HIGH-END, D.I.Y. BATHROOM WALL BORDER

For a little more advise, I entered, “How To Tile A Bathroom Floor?” on You Tube to find a video that I could reference as I went along. I came across an excellent video demonstration, where the gentleman was getting a bathroom floor prepped for tiling, and why you needed to take these first steps seriously. I immediately appreciated how user-friendly and detailed Matt Seiling was, and his tiling tips and tricks were invaluable. I highly encourage you to visit his website and buy his book entitled, “A Unique Step-By-Step Guide: Making Floor Tiling Easier”! Matt is a young family man with a passion to teach other’s how to tile their floors just like the professionals. So, head over to his site and say, “Hi”, he will be happy to answer any tiling questions that you may have.

Below are some pictures that I took of my bathroom project from beginning to end, and I am amazed at how well my bathroom turned out! I not only saved some serious money, but I am really proud that I could do it myself! The only problem I have now, is that my hubby has seen how well I can tile, and he thinks that I should move on to tile our kitchen floor! Say….what?





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If you have any questions, or would like to share some of your own D.I.Y tiling projects, then please leave a comment below. I am now getting ready for the upcoming spring season, and I can’t wait to share my spring savings tips and tricks with all of you.

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