FREE Knife Skills Class!
You know that elated feeling you get when you find the ultimate sale on chicken breast? 🙂 I know… doesn’t take much for me to get savings happy! But seriously, I did find a super deal on some whole chicken breasts, and bought quite a bit and decided that I would slice them in strips and can them. I prepared my cutting board, got my new knife out that I had received for Christmas, and began to slice….and you know what happened next don’t you? Yep, I pretty much sliced the top of my finger off! I’m not trying to gross you out or anything, but I didn’t realize the difference a new knife makes in it’s cutting abilities.
So, when I saw this New FREE Knife Skills Class that is available at, I knew that I had better sign up! LOL
Here is the class description:
Become faster and more accurate with your knife work, and create dishes that cook evenly and look truly professional. Guided by chef Brendan McDermott, you’ll explore proper hand placement and the four fundamental cuts. Learn to dice, mince and julienne a range of produce. Find out how to chop herbs without bruising them or losing flavor, and never again cry when cutting an onion. Uncover Brendan’s favorite shortcuts for working with butternut squash, pineapple, chiles, citrus and more. Discover the four knives every chef needs in their kitchen, and finish the course with a lesson on honing and sharpening your knives at home!
This class sounds pretty good to me, and I know that I would love to chop like the professionals & have fewer accidents!
Click here to join: Complete Knife Skills
And don’t forget to check the other FREE mini-classes that are available!
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