Front Door Halloween Decor

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I can’t believe that October is here, and I have been searching high & low for some fun, spooky, Boo-ti-ful Halloween decor ideas for walk-ways, windows, and front door entryways.  

Here are some of my favorite spooky online finds, that come in at a super price, but perfect for any of you who are limited on space & time.  

Check them out below, and visit my Spooktacular page on Amazon! 


Enter if you dare


Just so ya know that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and I may get a small commission fee if you decide to buy.  Thank you for your continued support and Happy Halloween!



4 Halloween Skull Solar Lanterns



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I love mason jars, and these solar powered skull jars are perfect for any outdoor Halloween decor.  There going fast so get yours! 



Scary Cat’s Eyes



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Cats Eyes2


I love these cat’s eyes, in fact the bottom picture is a snapshot of the front of my house last year!  

It takes about 10 minutes to tape these eyes to the frame of the windows, and all you have to do is turn on the lights!  Super easy!



Light Up Black Owl With “Hoo Sounds”


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This animated owl is a little scary, but it’s ghoulish eyes make him super fun.  

His eyes glow & blink with every “Hoo” sound he makes, which is a perfect way to greet your trick-o-treaters.


Lighted Pumpkin Halloween Canvas Wall Art


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I love any outside lights that sparkle in the night, but I plan on hanging some lighted LED canvas pics this year. 

I obsessed with these spooky wall creations.  Available at Amazon, with tons of other pics and prices.     


Outdoor Ghost with Witch Hat Standard

Outdoor Ghost with Witch Hat

I love the expression on this ghost’s face, and his pumpkin basket!  LOL  This inflatable is going quickly, so get your while you still can at



Friendly Halloween Corrugate Yard Stake Signs

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And finally, here are 9 kid friendly Halloween garden stakes to add to your yard.   



I hope that you have enjoyed some of my front door Halloween decor picks, and just so ya know that some of the links above are my affiliate links.  This means that if you decide to buy, I may get a small commission, and I thank you for your support.   

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