Gifts For Dachshund Lovers!

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Updated post in memory of my Doxie, Cinnaman.  RIP 06/15/2020


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The moment that I set eyes on my red, long-haired, Dachshund puppy, I was instantly in love.  

I can still remember seeing her through the glass box window at the pet store,  jumping, biting, and basically irritating the bigger puppy that was in there with her.  

But, the very moment that she turned her head around and gave me her model pose with those sparkling brown eyes, I knew she was meant for me.  

I named her, “Cinnaman” and she is now 9 years old, with little sprigs of grey hair starting to show on her nose.  



It’s amazing how something so small, spoiled, and full of  “princess” personality has become such a big part of our family.   

So, in the spirit of the upcoming Christmas season, I thought that I would share some gifts that would be perfect for the Dachshund lover.  

Enjoy….and feel free to share what your favorite dog breed is.  Happy Dox-i-days!  🙂  



Mini Crossbody Phone Purse


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LOVE this mini cell phone purse.  Seriously, look at the little bone zipper pull!  ir?t=flashback40 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01KVV36QW



Georgetown Home and Garden Mini Dachshund Planter



Georgetown Home and Garden Mini Dachshund Planter


Dachshund LED Bobble Head

Dachshund LED Bobble Head


Dachshund Calendar Caddy


Dachshund Calendar Caddy & Leash Hook


Dachshund-opoly Game




Juicy Couture Dachshund in a Hot Dog Bun Charm Jewelry



Juicy Couture Dachshund in a Hot Dog Bun Charm

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