The Good, Bad, And Ugly Things About Spring

So, I walk out my back door this morning to see this early Spring tree!  It kind of surprised me because it’s only February 25th, and the trees are blooming??  It’s really pretty, but I’m not quite sure that I’m ready for all the good, bad, and ugly that comes along with the spring season.

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The GOOD part about Spring is seeing nature come alive, with the chirping sounds of the birds, the buds & blooms opening, and the fresh fragrance of flowers.  These are all wonderful things, but there is defiantly a bad & ugly side too.  🙂   

For instance, although I am embarrassed to show you this picture, it’s my current situation.   


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WOW, this is really BAD, and my oh my there is a lot of work to do.  Last year was the first year that I didn’t do anything at all with my backyard, because I had both knee and hip surgery that resulted from one silly fall.  I am used to my yard looking like this:


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This is a little more organized I’d say, but I know that it’s going to take some green thumb power to get my yard back in shape. 

I also noticed yesterday, that some of my neighbors were mowing their lawns, which brings out the UGLY part of Spring for me, and that is allergies.


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Yeppers, the pic of me above is from a past campaign that I did for Puffs, and as you can see, allergies and me don’t get along. 

It’s awful, and unless I dope myself up with Zyrtec I can’t see or breathe, and I know that many of you out there feel my pain.

I do have a helpful hint for those of you with severe allergies, and taking over the counter allergy meds just aren’t working.   

I happen to work for a medical practice that does skin testing for allergens, and I do recommend that you get tested, because you would be surprised to learn what you are allergic to.  

For me, I flare up when I get anywhere near mold, and I proudly wear a mask, if I know that Im going into a moldy situation.  🙂   

And for those of you who have allergies to grasses, strap up and put that mask on, trust me it’s worth it! 

I hope that all of you love the change of seasons, and yes there are good, bad, and ugly parts of Spring, but I still love being outside and enjoying all that nature has to offer.

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