How My Guy Saves On His RX Glasses!

Bill Zenni Glasses

My hubby and I have reached the age where we both have to wear those dreaded prescription glasses, and I don’t consider a trip to the eyewear store a fun date for the two of us.   Plus, by the time you pick out your glasses, add the features that you want, you always end up paying well over $150-$300.

That’s great if you have vision insurance that will cover a pair of specs per year, but let’s face it, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t need several back up pair of glasses.  Heck, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost and found my glasses over the years, and thank goodness for places like Zenni Optical, my guy and I save big time on our RX glasses each year.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through my links. Read my disclosure policy here .)


Get your Prescription Glasses from Zenni Optical! Prices starting at $6.95. Shop Now!


So, how do we do it?  First you upload your eyeglass prescription to Zenni, measure out what size you need, pick out a stylish pair of pair, and some features that you want.  Next, add them to your cart, check for any coupons, and buy!  Within a week or so they are in your mailbox, and here’s are recent purchase that only cost us $20 bucks shipped.  Woo Hoo!



Zenni Package



The best part, is opening that package up, and seeing your masterpiece with your own eyes!  Well, technically we will see it better after we our glasses on!  🙂



Zenni Package 2



So, if your into savings like I am, and you need some extra pairs of glasses, I highly recommend that you give Zenni Optical a try.  As you can see from the picture above, they have glasses that start at $6.95, so for that kind of money you could get a couple pairs.  Their website has some wonderful how to videos so I encourage you to watch them, and don’t forget to sign up for their e-mail, so you can always know what promotions they are running and save even more.


New Styles for a New Year. Start the year off right with fresh eyewear. SHOP NOW at Zenni Optical.

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