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Home Canning Super Savings!

Home Canning



This article posted first on: 07/12/2012


I am now in my third year of canning and I thought that I would share my first canning post.  Seriously….look at my first batch of pickles below, and my picture-taking skills.  WOW!  LOL  If your interested in learning how to can a super place to start is on the Ball Fresh Preserving site.

I have come a long way since then, and I am getting ready to tackle some strawberries, blueberries, and cherries.  If any of you have any canning recipes you would like to share, please do.  Family recipes are the absolute best.  Happy canning y’all!  🙂


Home canning has become a passion for me!  Not only for the savings,  but I just love that you can preserve the wonderful taste of summer and fall produce, and enjoy it all year-long.  I must say up front, that I am canning newbie, and I have so much to learn.  In fact, it wasn’t until last summer when some close friends of mine started to learn how to can for themselves, that the thought of canning even came to my mind.  At first, I thought that my friends were crazy, because it seemed to me like an awful lot of hard work.  But once they began to show me all of the health and savings benefits,  I started to give canning a second thought.   So, earlier this summer I traveled to my friend’s home and watched how they canned some fresh green beans from their garden.   I sure hope that they love green beans, because I am  pretty sure that in the end, they must have canned at least 100 or more quart jars of green beans.



My Very First Canned Pickles!




By the way, I have learned not to assume that everyone out there even knows what canning is, especially the younger generation,  so I have provided you with the official definition:


Canning is: the act, process, or business of preserving cooked food by sealing in cans or jars.


The above definition of canning is very informative, but for me as well as many others, the concept of canning our own food means much more.  For the past 12 years I have been fighting food allergies, and my worst offender seems to be the chemicals and preservatives that are added to our foods.  I figured out very quickly that if I learned to can my own veggies, meats, and fruits, that I would be preserving them with all natural ingredients like: fruit pectin, lemon juice, and salt.  Also, I can reduce the sugar content by using a substitute,  such as Agave syrup, without losing the sweet taste.
Canning is also a great way to save money on seasonal foods that go on sale, and your savings will increase even more if you grow your own produce.   (I will blog about my gardening experience this past summer at another time) ! LOL


My goal with this blog post is to share in another DIY way to save some money, as well as keeping the ancient art of canning alive!   I welcome you to visit my canning supplies suggestions! (affiliate store)  I have chosen products that were highly recommended to me, and that I have purchased for myself.  There is even a beginners canning kit for those of you who want to start out small.  Come on….if this city girl can do it, so can you.  Trust me.  🙂  




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