How I Survived My Puppies First 4 Months!

CoCo & Puff Doxie Pups

I don’t know how my hubby and I have survived the past four months with our two, adorable, mini-long haired Dachshunds, named CoCo & Puff.
We had intended on only purchasing Coco, but ended up bringing her brother, Puff, home too.
The buyer of Puff, had backed out, and I knew when my hubby inquired about what would happen to Puff, that we were going to get him.
Holy Moly, what were we thinking, two 53 year olds taking care of two puppies. LOL
Fortunately, the following items have been a life saver these past few months.
Feel free to check out my You Tube video below to see some of these products and puppies in action.
Some of these links are affiliate links.  So, if you decide to buy, I might get a small commission fee.  Thank you for your support!

New World Pet Products Foldable Metal Exercise Pen & Pet Playpen


51R3 MzIJEL. SL250

This 30 inch, metal frame panel playpen has been simply awesome.  The price, portability, and angles that you can create is amazing!

Here it is in my living room below:


Metal Frame Puppy Playpen

EZwhelp Pee Pads for Dogs


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These washable pee pads are really great for smaller cages, especially if you can’t be at home for a few hours.

Metal Dog Crate Mats

You can also get metal cage mats, like the one below, which super water resistant. ir?t=minidoxiemom 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B005OTJIZK
  ir?t=minidoxiemom 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B003B3W6DW

Purina One Puppy Food


Puppy Purina One 2


The breeder sent us home with this Purina One Puppy food kit, and I have to say, we haven’t had one issue with their tummies.  Which means solid poops!  Yay!!

Extra Soft Pet Sleeping Mat!


41nZDBfTdaL. SL250


This sleeping mat has taken a beaten, but my little pups love it.  I like that it’s washable, lightweight, and has maintained its shape.

Pet Sleeping Mat 600 × 800


XXSmall Dog Harness


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ir?t=minidoxiemom 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B09299BY4BI got two of these XXS harnesses for my puppies!  Great colors, price, and it also came with an extra collar & leash.

Trust me, you will need these harnesses when you have to take your puppies to the vet.  LOL


SERCOVE Soft Pet Carrier



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My Doxie pups were only 2-3 pounds when I got them, and they both fit in this super soft, durable, breathable pet carrier.

At The Vet

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These puppy products have really helped in taking care of these two extremely active puppies, and don’t forget to watch my video below!  Look at how tiny they were!

Thanks for stopping by and please comment below if you have any questions or what’s worked for you.


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