How My Blogging Life Has Changed Now That I Turned 50
It’s true, as I sit here writing this post, I’ve realized that my blogging life has changed since I’ve turned 50.
What I mean is, that the products and services that I have currently been looking at are geared towards. dare I say, an older crowd, because this lady isn’t a spring chicken anymore. LOL
Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m hot a hip chick, but I definitely have some different obstacles and passions than I did when I was younger, and I am embracing this new me, and I thought that I would share what’s going on below:
(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through my links. Read my disclosure policy here .)
For instance, I’m not a young mom anymore, my kids are in their early 20’s and out the door, and my hubby and I are feeling a little more freedom.
In fact, we are going on our first Carnival cruise, and celebrating our 25th anniversary. I can’t wait to share our experience with everyone, and of course the different ways that I’ve already saved….like booking my trip through:
I’ve booked our cruise, hotels, and car through RAKUTEN, formerly EBATES, and the best part is, that I will get some cash back just in time for the holiday season.
Thinning hair, fine lines, and wrinkles. Yeppers, that’s me, and thank goodness there are ways to combat these with some wonderful products.
I am obsessed with my new hair topper, and have really enjoyed sharing this all of my family and friends. It’s so real looking they ask me if I have my topper on, now how cool is that?
Check out my fun Wigged Out page on Amazon.
Whew this has been a tough one for me. I’ve had three surgeries over the past year and half, and finding ways to keep going and feeling good has been a high priority.
My hubby and I like to share our body aches and pains each morning, but it’s important to stay positive and take advantage of items that are helpful.
Here’s my SuperGirlSavings page, where you can see some of the products that I have bought on Amazon through the years.
Lordy, this list just keeps on growing. 🙂
I still use coupons, savings apps, and online sales & codes as much as I can.
One of my favorite ways to save is a money-saving app called IBOTTA.
It has tons of offers, not only on grocery items, but places your going to buy online from anyway, like Amazon, Groupon, and Wal-mart.
Heck, if your going to buy, you might as well get a little cash back, and use it for a rainy day or holidays.
Also, you can build a team of friends and family, and the more you all use it, the more money everyone makes. Cha-ching!
So, if your interested and you would like to be my IBOTTA buddy click on the pic below, and earn $10 for just trying.
So, this is just a tidbit of how my blogging life has changed, and since I’m still a kid at heart, I will always try to stay a hip chick, and share trendy ways to save.
Thank you so much for stopping by, and as always I appreciate each and every one of you.
So, here’s to the future, and making my fifties as fabulous as possible.