How To Order A Prom Dress Online

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If your kid is going to prom, it’s exciting but really expensive.

When my daughter went, we had a hard time finding a dress in our local stores, simply because they either didn’t fit or were way out of our budget.  So, we decided to order her dress, shoes, and accessories on Amazon, and she looked fabulous.

If you’re shopping for a prom dress, and having sticker shock, here’s how to buy that dress online.


Just so you know, that there are affiliate links in this post.  So, if you click and buy, I might get a commission fee.  Thanks for your support.   


Read Reviews


PLEASE read the online reviews from people that have already purchased the dress that you are interested in!  Hopefully, some of these ladies have taken the time to post a picture of them wearing the dress.   It doesn’t hurt to ask that person questions either.


Measure, Measure, and Measure Again


Get the measuring tape out, and write those body parts down.  It’s even better if you can get someone else to help you do this, because you have to know your exact measurements, and compare them to the sizing chart that goes along with the dress.

If your measurements are not lining up with the sizing chart, (which is the case for most of us ladies out there), then you must customize your dress.  Each dress company goes into detail on how to do this, so pay close attention.  My daughter and I had to do this for her dress, and it turned out perfect, except my mom had to shorten the length a little bit, which leads me to my last tip.




Have a Back Up Seamstress


Just in case your dress needs a little more customization, make sure you know a seamstress or tailor.  You will still same some money by going this route, and it doesn’t hurt to know one for future events.  Weddings, hint, hint.

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Give Yourself Plenty Of Time


Buy your dress way in advance if you can, trust me this is a must, and here’s and example why I say this.

I bought the sleeveless bridesmaid dress below for my daughter on Amazon, and unfortunately I ordered the wrong color.  I emailed the company to see if there was time to change it, and I was thrilled when I got an email back saying, “No worries Brandi, we will change the color”.  What a relief that was, and I was glad that I had ordered this dress way ahead of time.


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In Closing


If you do decide to buy a dress online, please review your purchase, and post some pics of you wearing it.  All of us ladies come in different shapes and sizes, and since we can’t actually put this dress on ourselves, it’s nice to see it on someone with a similar body type, like these beauties below!


My daughter is on the right….look at that smile and dress.


Prom Dresses




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