iBlog Brings Social Media Experts To You
If your serious about growing your blog, I can’t rave enough about the expert blogging tips & information available at iBlog Magazine for professional women. Instead of boring you with my words of blogging wisdom, below is just a sampling of what I’m talking about: 🙂
Learn insider tips from one of the web’s biggest podcasters Pat Flynn!
Tap Influence Co-Founder Holly Hamann details how to make your blog more brand friendly.
Google & Hummingbird SEO Changes with Casie Gillette
Check out this great interview with social media expert, David Risley
Ted Rubin discusses building your own personal brand in this iBlog social media expert interview.
iBlog is a community that basically wants to bring all female bloggers together for support, knowledge, and continued success. They are bringing you the most current advice on topics such as: marketing, social media, business, monetization, and SEO through interviews, podcasts, conferences, and a print magazine that is sent to your home! (LOVE THIS).
You can sign up for free, stroll around the site, click & still learn, or you can pay for a yearly membership and have inside access to everything in the online community and the print magazine. I personally paid for the yearly membership, because I see the value of having all of this blogging advice in one online place, and it saves me tons of time. I know that many of you can relate to this, and I hope that you take advantage of all that iBlog Magazine has to offer.
Just so ya know, that some of the links above are my referral links, which means I may get a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you of course. Thank you for your support, and I hope you take your blog to the next level and become a member of the iBlog community.