Kroger Family Nights!
I was thrilled to host a “Kroger Family Nights” party as a BzzAgent. BzzAgent allows me to share my opinions on consumer products, and I enjoy receiving samples and coupons for various items, including food, makeup, and even an electric shaver. Now, focusing on the event, Kroger-branded foods are the highlight.

Kroger Family Nights Party
What made it cool was that our menu consisted of Kroger branded pizza, tortilla chips, vitamin water, and Kroger branded ice cream that topped off the night since my husband cannot go without dessert.

The bottom line is that my family and I have been huge fans of Kroger branded food products for quite some time now. Kroger Brand offers a variety of products with quality tastes and lower prices. You can’t go wrong with Kroger Brand.
I encourage you to try them for yourselves. I also want to express my gratitude to BzzAgent and Kroger for a wonderful evening of food and fun for my family and me.