My Experience With AT&T’s Asurion Cell Phone Insurance

I am one of those super savers who hang on to their cars, phones, and furniture until they die!   In fact, I have a 18 year old blue sectional sofa that I probably should have replaced five years ago, but now it’s just the running joke in my family.  So, when my less than two year old iPhone kept telling me off and on, that I had “No Service”, I knew that I had to get it replaced, and thank goodness I had purchased Asurion cell phone insurance through ATT.


iPhone 6



Of course, before I made my claim, I spent many hours on the Internet searching for ways to fix my phone, and even asked my teenage kids, because Lord knows they know everything there is to know about their cell phones!  Bottom line is, I really liked my phone, it’s my little personal assistant, and I wanted to try and save it.  (In fact, without FB and my trusty phone alerts, I probably wouldn’t know half of my friends & families birthdays).  🙂

So, finally I took my phone to my local ATT store, and explained to representative that my phone kept cutting me off.  The gentleman reset my phone and told me that my internal antenna might be malfunctioning, and if this didn’t work, that I would have to make a claim with the insurance I bought through ATT.

Unfortunately, a few days later my phone kept saying “NO SERVICE”, and I decided to make a claim for a replacement phone, and here is how it went.      


I went to the home page of Asurion , and in the top right hand corner I started my claim.  This took about 5-10 minutes, because and each step was very clear and user-friendly.  LOVE THAT!


Asurion Home Page




Immediately, I was sent a e-mail with my claim information, and how to complete the next steps in the claim process.  


Claim Created


My next email required me to to upload or fax documentation!  I chose to upload my signed paperwork and Photo ID with photos I had taken with my hubby’s phone!  LOVE THAT!


Asurion Claim Information


I again got an immediate response that they had received my documents and will get back to me within 8 hours after they review them.  Did you hear that 8 hours!!!!


Claim Documents Received


The NEXT morning, I get this awesome e-mail:


Your claim is ready to be completed.


Then all I had to do was pay a $112 insurance deductible, which was added to my next AT&T bill.  I know that some of you are like, deductible?, but this is an insurance claim, and I don’t know any places that you don’t pay a deductible, when you file a claim.  (Lucky for me, I didn’t have to pay a very high one because I had not made any claims in over 12 months).


The very NEXT day a package came in the mail, with this new iPhone 7 in the box!  LOVE THAT!  


IMG 0018


And some instructions on how to call Pro Tech support to help you set up your new phone, and back up the old one.  This is FREE by the way, and great for those who have no idea on how to do this.


And finally, they give you a shipping label and instructions on how to send your old phone back.


Image 1


OMGosh, it can’t get any easier than this, and that is why I just had to share my awesome experience with Asurion and give them a super shout out!  This is a company that treats you right, and for only $34 a month, I have some peace of mind if my phones get lost, stolen, or damaged, and honestly I don’t know many people who can afford to buy a new phone outright.


Thanks to ATT & Asurion for making this gal a happy customer!  


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