Pumpkin Carving Tips & Tricks

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I would have to say, that out of all the Halloween activities there is to do, I enjoy creating a pumpkin carving masterpiece. I happen to be one of those pumpkin inspectors who takes their time looking for the perfect pumpkin, and it really does make all the difference in the world if you know which pumpkin to choose.

So, if you need some tips on pumpkins, you must check out the videos below from the Pumpkin Lady!  She knows her pumpkins, and if you take the time and watch her videos you will end up with a super designer pumpkin on Halloween night for all of the neighborhood to see! I look forward to finding & sharing more DIY Halloween projects,  posting my Halloween pumpkin designs, and seeing what all of you come up with as well.  So here’s to your carving success! Boo! 🙂

HUGE TIP!! If your really into pumpkin carving, get rid of those plastic kiddie kits and get a professional carving kit. It’s SO much easier! 🙂

Brass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit  Kitchen   Dining

Brass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool Kitir?t=super08a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0045V7ZXA

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