Shopping Apps That Really Do Pay Me Cash!

Shopping Aps



When I first started clipping coupons it took me hours to get everything matched up, clipped, and then organized.  And to be honest with you, even though I have a more streamlined system today, I still don’t love clipping coupons.  🙂  Fortunately, digital brand coupons are now available to download through shopping apps at your favorite grocery, discount, drugstores, or big box places such as Target!  The beauty of signing up for your favorite store’s loyalty program, is that they love to send you exclusive digital coupons based on the things that you buy the most.  What a super way to save!!  Now….let’s take it up a notch!!  The following shopping apps list offer items that will give you cash back if you buy them!  It can be anything from fresh produce, milk, candles, chips, or whatever else may be on your shopping list.   So, below are a few shopping apps that I use on a regular basis and I really do get paid in cash!  (I am including my referral links, so that you can join me in the super saving fun).  Here we go!!







When Ibotta first came out, I thought that the name was kind of funny, so I still get a little smile when I share it with people because they usually give me that weird look like, “What’s Ibotta”?  All of the apps that I am going to share with you are pretty much the same, but I listed Ibotta first, because you can build a team of super savers and earn more money when each member uses a “rebate”.  A rebate is basically a coupon offer for a particular product or service such as the one below:

Ibotta Offer


So….head into a store, open up the app, see what offers are available, buy it, scan your receipt, upload it, and wallah money is added to your account.  It really is that simple, and when I am ready to cash out, I transfer the money to my PayPal account!  Again this is an easy breezy way to save on the things that your going to buy anyways, or maybe you’ve been wanting to try.  🙂    



So, now that you get the idea of how to use the Ibotta app, below are a few more for you to also try!


Saving Star







SavingStar has been around for a while, but like many of the other apps you can now scan your receipt so that you get credit for everything you purchase.  Also, I like that you get a weekly freebie, and a discount on a healthy offer, such as lettuce, apples, or whatever else is in season.  Save money on your groceries! Nothing to clip or print. Totally paperless. New deals every week.2 97256 91749 96821



Snap By Groupon

Snap by Groupon

Snap By Groupon is a fairly new shopping app that offers a variety of deals that you can use at any store, which is a huge plus if you like to shop at Aldi’s, The Dollar Store, or Dollar Tree.   Click here to join:   

No coupons, mail-in rebates, or shopper points.Just cash for buying the grocery products you need!


And finally….


 Checkout 51


Checkout 51 reloads new offers every Thursday, and you can redeem at any store! It’s super easy to use, and here’s a screen shot of what’s in my account currently, and when I reach $20 bucks, I can cash out!  Woo!  Hoo!  





Now, there are some other great shopping apps out there, but for the sake of time, I can only handle the four above.  LOL  


Here’s a little savings tip when you use your apps:


See if there are any Sunday paper coupons or online digital coupons that you can use as well as the shopping app offer.  

(Example below)

Glade candle offer :

$1.00 off of 2 Glade candles from shopping app

$1.00 off of Glade manufactures coupon


Guess what?  You get to use both coupons in the same transaction, which means super savings for you!  


I hope that you can see the value of trying out these shopping apps, and it really is fun to see the savings add up.  You can at least have a little extra Christmas money if you start now!  Just a thought……


Also, if you have had any success with other shopping apps I would love to know, so share below!!  🙂   

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