Super Gardening Containers

Spring is in full bloom here in East Tennessee, and I can really tell because I’ve got itchy eyes and my allergies are in high gear! 🙂  

This post was updated March 17, 2022!  Yay!

My hubby and I have been enjoying the warmer weather over the last week or so, and we have been busy getting our backyard garden cleaned up, creating a cool DIY herb planter, (I will post this later) and searching for gardening containers to add growing space.  


I have come across some really cool containers that you can purchase online or if you’re in the mood for a little DIY project you can make one yourself.  

All of these suggested planters are perfect for planting flowers or vegetables in any urban, small space, or patio area. Check them out below:

50 Gallon Plant Grow Bags

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These Grow Bags are really are smart.  You pop them up, add your dirt,  flowers or veggies, and you could take it down easily when the growing season ends, which may be a plus for some gardeners.  These come in several different sizes and shapes, but this particular set is a 2 pack of 50 gallons!    

Mobile Trash Can Container

Create a Mobile Container Garden
I found this shining DIY project on  I love how they took a trash can and converted it into a rolling container that you can move to where ever you like.

Divided Raised Garden Planting


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I know it says tomato planter, but technically you could put some other planters in this portable raised bed garden.  It’s about 3 ft. x 2 ft. x 10 inches high and three good-sized tomato plants will fit in here nicely, or you could plant a small salsa garden and here’s a simple planting diagram at The Veggie Gardner.


Pallet Garden Bed

Pallet Garden Bed
These are two pallet garden beds that I made last year, where I planted my herbs & salad greens.  It has worked beautifully, and here is a great tutorial on how to build your own at

Hydrofarm GCTR Tomato Trellis Garden on Wheels


Hydrofarm GCTR Tomato Trellis Garden on Wheels



I always take into consideration that not everyone has the time to take on DIY projects, but I still want share in ways that you can still reap in the savings by growing your own food.

This self-watering Hydrofarm trellis planter with wheels allows you to grow vertically.  Which is perfect for any vine plant such as cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, or zucchini.

I think a beginner gardener will appreciate the ease of this planter as well as the produce that they will harvest when the time is ready.

Mr. Stacky© 5-Tier Strawberry and Herb Garden Planter


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This is the ultimate gardening container which can pretty much be your outdoor herb store!  Love that!

Mr. Stacky was built so that all people, no matter what size backyard they have, can grow their own fresh food.  
Just so you know, that some of the links above are my referral links, which means I may get a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you of course.  Thank you for your support and I hope that I have inspired you to grow your own food and save!   :-)

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