A Teen & His Family’s Canning Creations!
In my last post, “A Fence For Teen’s Garden” I left off with the excitement of getting ready to can, freeze, or dehydrate all of the veggies & fruit in Matt’s garden below.
Now, I know that some of you are like, “she’s CRAZY”, and I can honestly tell you that I felt the same way you do a few years ago. In fact, I wrote an article last year called, “Home Canning Super Savings ” which basically explains why I started to can to begin with, and the family that I speak of in this post is none other than Matt’s. 🙂
Here is just a few pictures of what Matt’s garden has produced this 2013 year! Drumroll please!!!!!
By cracky, you better love some green beans in this family! How about 120 quarts of them! And let me tell you, Miss Laura’s green beans with a ham or turkey dinner is to die for. 🙂 This young man’s garden has produced enough fruits and vegetables to get this family of five through the entire winter, and that’s what I call some SUPER SAVINGS! Way to go MATT! It just shows that anyone has the ability to save some serious dollars by growing your own garden, whether in the city limits (like me) or in the country (like Matt). So, if I have peaked your interest in possibly learning how to can for yourself, the best place to start is here:
I know that this is a just a book, but trust me you will need it by your side as you get into the canning craze, because the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving goes into great detail, which is very important when you are just starting out, and as you advance. It is broken down into easy, intermediate, and advanced canning recipes and methods. I have personally put little tabs on all of the recipes that I have tried in this book or will try in the future. There is also a digital download of this book available on Amazon, and this is the best price that I have found so far.
Also, I have provided you with a really simple PDF “Intro To Canning” link by Ball that you can download!
And finally, head to Ball’s Fresh Preserving Store below and see all of the canning gift sets, jars, mixes, and accessories that they have! I have one other thing to ask, if any of you do start canning, please leave a comment below, because I know that both Matt and myself will get a big kick out of your canning creations.
FreshPreservingStore.com is a one-stop shop with everything needed to make your canning experience even easier.