How to Use Savings Apps For Christmas Cash!
I am a huge fan of money-saving apps, in fact, it’s how I made an extra $250 in Christmas cash last year! And, if you start now, you can take advantage of all the upcoming holiday saving promotions, and get gift cards, or check in the mail, or deposited into your bank account of choice, including PayPal. Here are my favorite apps, and how I use each one.
What’s neat about Ibotta is the variety of ways you can save, including grocery store items, online purchases, and they always fun extra activities to make even more money, especially when you build an Ibotta team of friends. The more people on your team, the more you all can earn. All you do is buy the items that you checked in Ibotta app, upload your receipt, scan your purchases, and once you get the green check mark, you’re in the money!
If you would like to join my team click here, IBOTTA
Checkout 51
Every Thursday Checkout 51 updates their weekly savings offers, and below is a an example of what type of items you can find. Just highlight the ones you are interested in, and remember to make sure you are checking what store they are available at. Most items you can purchase at multiple stores, but sometimes a chain of stores wants to pull you in with a little more savings. Heck, I’m alright with that!
SavingStar really is a star saving app, with its incentive bulk buying and regular coupons it’s easy, and you can cash out after only $5. Below is a little diagram on how to use the SavingStar app, and before I head out the door to the store, I check with all three of these apps to see where I can rack up some future savings. Seriously, why wouldn’t you take advantage of these offers, when your already gonna buy these items anyways!
So, if you’re wanting to find a way to make some extra Christmas cash, it’s worth the effort and minimal time to use these three apps, and I personally cash in my savings in for gift cards! I swear that gift cards are the way to go in my family of five older kids. Let me know if you know of any other savings apps, that might be worth giving a try, and truly is as easy to save as these awesome ones above.
*Just so you know that some of the above links are my affiliate links, and if you decide to try or buy, I may get a small commission fee, at no cost to you of course. I thank you so much for stopping by, and supporting my website!