Ways To Make A DIY Christmas Ornament Wreath

How many of you love driving down the road at night and checking out the Christmas light displays?  Or, how about watching  ABC’s 25 Days of Christmas each night with your family!  Believe it or not, I haven’t missed one episode of Frosty, Rudolf, or Baby New Year since I was a kid!  🙂  I also think it’s kind of cool today, that I can record an episode if I won’t be home that evening.  You might think that’s not a big deal, but when I was a kid these shows only came on one time a year, and if you missed it, you had to wait until next year.  There wasn’t any DVD’s, videos, or recorded tv.  LOL    (Gosh, I’m getting old)


Download ABC’s 25 Days of Christmas Programme schedule here !

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Of all the wonderful Christmas activities that there is to do, my personal favorite is to decorate my home.  So, last weekend I decided to get ALL of my Christmas bins down from the attic, which always gives my neat freak hubby some anxiety.  LOL  (I guess I can’t stay away from those awesome after Christmas sales).   So, as I started opening up the bins, I noticed that some of Christmas decorations were falling apart, and I knew that it was time to get rid of some, and recycle others.    


First on my list was to make a Christmas Ornament Wreath with all of my old ornaments & a green wreath that I have had for several years.  Check out my crafty creation below….      

Night Time Ornament Wreath


All I had to do was warm up my trusty glue gun,  attach the ornaments to the wreath, and fill the gaps in with some silver garland!   It was so easy, super cheap, and I love how it turned out.          


Ornament Wreath Kitchen


I chose to use what I already had in my collection, but here are three other ways to make an Ornament wreath below.     


Here is one from LaurDIY, and she makes her wreath with a wire clothes hanger.    



Here is one from croutoncrackerjacks and he uses a wire wreath form, wire, and hot glue.




And finally, this wreath is made by Crafts & More , and she opts to use a foam floral wreath & hot glue.



These are some really pretty wreaths, and I hope that you are inspired to make one for yourself.   Now, the next thing I have to do is get my $5.00 Christmas tree garage sale find ready for a Christmas party that I am hosting tomorrow night.  Hmmm…..what to do?  I’m just kidding, I already have a super saving plan.  Until then…… 



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