What I Like About My Kindle Fire HD 10

Blue and Pink Modern Technology Keynote Presentation 2


I bought my first Kindle Fire in 2012, and have pretty much upgraded each year.

Now, I know that there are a-lot of different tablets out there, and I am an Apple fan, but here’s what like about my Kindle Fire HD 10.

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With it’s 2.0 GHz octa-core processor and 2 GB of RAM, this tablet is now 30% faster than the old versions.  I can attest that it is faster, and surfing on it is now a joy and not a drag.

Budget Friendly

Cheap is good, when the quality is there.  Now, I have had ipads, and yes they are the best, but for the money, you just can’t best the FIRE.  The battery life,1080p full HD display is simply beautiful and vibrant.  Which brings me to my next like below.


Watching movies on this tablet with the dual-band and enhanced Wi-Fi is a joy without interruptions.  I also love all the benefits of being a Amazon Prime member, and if I want to download a movie to watch later without internet I have plenty of memory to do so.  

Amazon Kindle

I’m a reader, and I absolutely love reading on this tablet.  I can adjust my reading experience to plain white, sepia, or black with white lettering.  I can break down my books into categories, read FREE prime books, and listen to books too.


It’s simple, fast, and pretty much the same experience I get on my iMac, except laying in bed shopping, is probably a bad habit.  LOL

Upgrades & Trade Ins

This is my favorite part of owning a Fire HD Tablet, I can trade mine in for the latest version and basically pay very little for it.  The best time to do this, is at the holidays, and I got my last one for about $99, minus my trade in value of $30, which means I paid $60 for a $150 tablet.

I only do this if they have come out with a newer version and features.


So, that’s my review of a well made, fast, vibrant tablet at a fraction of the price.  It’s also worth getting a case, and this is the one I have on mine below.  It protects and the slots allow different positions for reading and watching movies in bed.  wink wink

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