What I Miss About The Black Friday’s Of The Past
Black Friday is soon approaching, and just like you, I enjoy finding the savings online, but, if I’m being honest, I kind of miss the Black Friday’s of the past and here’s
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day was a time for spending with your family and friends, and you didn’t leave your warm, toasty, home to get the deal of a lifetime.
Now, if you ate too much, and want to go as a family to find those savings then have at it, other wise, I try my best to stay home. LOL
Turkey Day Newspaper
On Turkey day, I would get up in the wee hours of the morning, put my bird in the oven, and head to the gas station to get the massive newspaper, that was full of
colorful ads, and the anticipation of savings.
My mom and I would circle the items that we wanted to buy, plan out a route, and away we would go with that newspaper guiding the way.
Up At The Crack of Dawn
I can remember getting up at 3:00 in the morning, to go stand in line at the store, freezing my butt off, but as soon as those doors opened, it was time to become a team
and get that Black Friday deal! Whoop! Whoop!
Get That Gift
This was the time you had to dive right in the middle of a swarm of people, and get that gift.
Sure, there were some people who weren’t very nice, but the majority of people were kind, and willing to help others too.
Hiding The Presents
At the end of the shopping day, your mission wasn’t over, you had to bring your gifts into the house and put them in secret spots.
Now, whether my family found these gifts, I will never know, because they always acted surprised on Christmas Day.
The Big Nap
And finally, after all that shopping on Black Friday, I would take a well deserved nap, with a smile on my face, because of all the savings that I got.
Sit And Click
Now, I’m sure that some people reading this think that I’m crazy to miss the Black Friday’s of the past, because today you can buy all those savings online.
In fact, certain websites share weeks in advance, what’s going to be on sale, and you can take advantage of the door-busters savings as you sit and click.
This really is great for those who have to work on the holidays, or can’t physically get around.
Time Well Spent