What Makes Me A Super Saver You Ask?

I’ve been challenged to write a post about what makes me a super saver?  The truth is that in 2012 my hubby had lost his job, and we were faced with how to pay our bills on a reduced income.   


As I was searching for job openings online, I happened to come across a blogger who was sharing tips on how to save money. 


The #1 tip that jumped out at me was clipping coupons from the Sunday paper.  


What’s funny about this, is that as a kid, I used to think that my Grams was nuts for using coupons at the store. 


(I guess she knew a thing or two about saving money).  🙂  

Sunday Coupons
Sunday Coupons


So, I decided to get a little nutty myself, clips some coupons, and ended up buying 4 bottles of shampoo for only .50 cents each.  I was so excited, because I knew that with a little effort I could help reduce some expenses, and I was hooked.  


Since then, I have become a DIY enthusiast and learned how to grow a garden, can my veggies, and even tile my own bathroom floors. 


(YES, I tiled my own bathroom floors thanks to You Tube)!  🙂  

My DIY Tiled Floor
I Tiled My Own Bathroom Floor

I had learned so much, that I wanted to share my experiences with others and started this blog. 


It’s interesting to me as I reflect back, that blogging became a therapeutic blessing during this difficult time.  I have become an affiliate marketer & influenster who gets the opportunity to try products and services and share my findings with my family, friends, and online community.   

(AND….in some cases I get a little commission fee if someone clicks on my affiliate link and buys a product that I have reviewed.  This is a wonderful perk, because it helps me pay for the upkeep of my blog.  Yay)!


Below are some pics of some products that I have had the wonderful opportunity to try and review.




In closing, I’m glad that I was challenged to write this post, because it’s important to remember why I started this blog to begin with, and I am humbled when visitors take the time to visit my little place on the web.  

I’m also a real, live, social person, who would love to hear your super savings stories or tips, so please comment below.  🙂    

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