Yay Or Nay? Check Out Amazon Explore

Yay or Nay Amazon Explore Im a yayyyy Instagram Story


Have you heard about Amazon Explore?  It’s a place to literally explore the world with live guided adventures virtually.  

For instance you can visit Rome, Paris, or a creepy trip to Philadelphia.  

How about learning in real time, with an interactive, fun, professional on how to make sushi, cookies, or cocktails?

Your either going to love this idea or not, but let’s EXPLORE some events going on now:

How About Visiting The Eiffel Tower LIVE, and yes, you can even SHOP!


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Grab some wine with your sweetie, or join with a group of your friends and explore the Eiffel tower life, with a tour guide, and yes you can shop.  There are some super videos on how to shop once you click on the amazon links.

The Ghosts of Philadelphia: Learn about the city’s gruesome past.


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This virtual visit is perfect for all of you who love spooky stories and places. 

You can ask your tour guides questions as they take you to the creepy places of Philly.  Not my cup of tea, but hey, it may be yours.

Koalas and Kangaroos. Get to know Australia’s cuddliest critters!


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This is one I would sign up for, simply because I love animals.  This virtual tour takes you right into Featherdale Sydney Wildlife park, and they get up close and personal with the fuzzy KK’s.  This tour has a high rating, so it’s worth a try.

Virtually learn to make fresh pasta with the Toscana Mia sisters in Italy


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This would be a great couples or BFF class, with a cocktail or two of course.  Why not learn from the best, and where pasta originated, Italy?

Travel through Tokyo on a Traditional Rickshaw


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This Travel through Tokyo on a traditional rickshaw is the adventure that I picked out for my hubby and I on this upcoming Valentines Day. 

Plus I got an additional 30% off for a Valentines Day special.  Click here if you’re interested in giving Explore a try with your Valentine.  

I look forward to sharing my virtual Tokyo experience with all of you in a future post, and I have a feeling that my hubby is really going to like his gift.  

It’s a little something different, and a trip that we couldn’t afford.  (That doesn’t mean I won’t do a little shopping though)….LOL  


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