Free Woodworking Classes

Watch woodworking classes at


Holy Moly!  My hubby has decided that he is going to finally start learning how to use his wood router and design some custom pieces for our home.  (Hopefully, an entertainment center)  🙂  

When he mentioned this to me,  I told him to check out this online woodworking class at,called “Flawless Finishing“.  And here’s why:

  • A professional is teaching this online class
  • It’s FREE
  • He’s a visual person, and doesn’t like to read directions
  • He’s a man
  • Did I mention it’s FREE


Flawless Finishing


Class Description

Never fear finishing again! Learn accessible techniques and troubleshooting tips from furniture maker and instructor Robert Spiece in this free mini-class. Find out how to pick the right finish based on the wood grain and desired outcome for your piece. Then, experiment with a variety of finishes to make the grain pop as you master wipe-on, brush-on and rottenstone hand-rub techniques. Robert will demonstrate how to prepare your wood for a smooth finish and share application methods for flawless results. You’ll even learn how to easily and efficiently work with curved and offset pieces. Plus, get important safety tips to protect you and your shop!




I know a ton of people who are wanting to save some money by learning how to update or create their own cabinetry masterpieces.  Here’s a mini-class to get you started.


Sawing Success


What good does it do to buy all of that those tools and not have a clue as to how to use them, and…..honestly I would rather learn from someone else than my hubby at times.  LOL


Just so ya know….that I am proud to be an affiliate with the BluPrint community, and the links above are my affiliate links.  This means that I may get a small commission at no cost to you of course, and I really appreciate your continued support.  As always….I encourage everyone to learn how to do something new and enjoy those savings.  Enjoy.  🙂

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