How K.I.S.S. Gifts Are Perfect For Valentines Day!

Paper Hearts Valentines Day Blog Graphic


Maybe I’m just old, but whenever I think of Valentines Day I get transported back in time to my early years of school.

I couldn’t wait to decorate my Valentine’s Day shoe box, and cut that slit on top, so my friends could put their cards & hopefully candy into it.

It was such a simple time, and that’s why today I think KISS gifts, (keep it simple silly) are perfect for Valentines Day.

Here are some gift ideas below that are not only cheap, but cute.

Valentines Day Cards

You have to start with the Valentines Day cards.  I went two places to get mine.

Check out the retro cards I got on Amazon:

Hallmark Mini Valentines Day Cards

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And the The Dollar Tree for only a buck!  (Got to love that)!

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Also, here’s a little DIY post from The Dollar Tree, it’s from 2019, but you get the idea.  Just mix and match, and if it’s not in store you can always buy online!


Affordable Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

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An Ebay Valentines! 

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I am a huge eBay shopper, and right now they have a 15% of select Valentines Day gift with code: VDAY15OFF

There is entirely too much to list, but I think heart shaped themed kitchen, home, fashion or jewelry would do just fine.  I’m loving the Crocs above!

Tech Me Love

135 Piece Household Tool Kit Pink 

If you have a DIYer to love on, the perfect gift to me is tools!  (My hubby doesn’t want me touching his tools, because I don’t put them back.  Ooops!

Heck, here’s an entire page of pink tools if you’re interested!

Also, see those cute red ear bud beats in that Walmart ad?  LOVE

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Finally, I just have to mention Amazon Explore, one more time!

If you love jewelry, then check out this

Live Shopping at Swarovski Instant Wonder New York

30% off until 02/05/2022.

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I bought this Travel through Tokyo on a Traditional Rickshaw for Valentines Day for my hubby and I.  I am so excited to experience this live with my guy, might even get some sushi!

These are just a few simple heart day gifts to try, and no matter what, I hope you get to experience this day with your family and friends.  Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate all of your love.


Here’s another post if your interested:

Valentines Day Gifts That People Don’t Want!


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