Why I love My Cell Phone Charging Stations!
I’m a bona-fied Apple Fan, who is always on the look out for fun, functional accessories for my Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iWatch.
I have found some super problem solvers, trendy covers, and nifty gadget at great prices through out the years, and thought that I would share my cell phone charging stations.
First up, is a unique charging station that gives power to both my Apple watch & phone at the same time, and what’s not to love about that?
Orzly Charge Station for Apple Watch and iPhone
What I love the about this charging station:
It’s super compact, and has a very sturdy design, that’s easy to set up and use.
It keeps my phone & watch charging wires together & organized.
I can see my phone notifications without having to pick it up.
It comes in a variety of colors for all of you home decor divas & dudes out there! (Silver is my thang).
I’ve had the above phone charging stand for about 6 months now, and I also bought several of the
Adjustable Cell Phone Stands below
This stand works with any cell phone brand, which is great for all of the other cell phone brands out there!
It’s sturdy, compact, and adjustable, and it’s perfect if you want to make a video of yourself.
This little guy comes in a variety of colors, like this awesome red above, and the price ranges anywhere from $10-14 dollars. Not bad! 🙂
I am always on the go, and anything that keeps my phones juiced up, and organized is a huge plus for me. And honestly, if your a blogger, vlogger, or social media pro, just having the ability to glance over and see your multitude of notifications and alerts, is reason alone to try this super charging station. NO HANDS BABY!
*Just so you know that some of the links above are my affiliate links, and I may get a small commission fee if you decide to buy. Thank you for your continued support, and Happy Charging!*