Who Else Has The Guts To Cancel Their Gym Membership?

I did it


This past weekend, I finally had the guts to cancel my gym membership.  I felt a little guilty at first, but the reality is that I don’t use it, and I knew that I wouldn’t go in the future either.

So, I’ve come up with a health and fitness blueprint that has worked for me in the past, and it includes an app, inspiration, and exercise.  Read on if your needing a fitness plan that’s budget friendly too.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through my links. Read my disclosure policy here .)




MyFitnessPal is my favorite app for tracking calories, carbs, fiber, and workout steps.  I will be the first to admit, that if I don’t pay attention to how much I’m eating, the pounds pile on.  This app keeps me in reality with how much I’m actually eating per day, which for me makes or breaks my health goals.  I also sync it with my Mac & Apple watch.  This app is also available on on other devices.



Lower Carb Lifestyle


Any eating plan that helps you feel better, and obtain your goals is awesome.  For me, I do really well on a lower carb plan, in fact at my last yearly wellness checkup, my doc handed me this Basic Dos & Dont’s of Healthy Eating sheet.


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If your into this type of eating lifestyle too, I would love for you to join me on my Low Carb Love FB page or Pinterest page .  I share easy, delicious, and simple tips from some of the best low carb bloggers out there.  (They deserve all the credit for helping me keep variety in my life, and stay on track).

I also have a Low Carb Love amazon page with different kitchen gadgets to help make your meals easier, because ahead of time prep is key with any eating plan.


Stationary Bike


Next up, exercise.

When I did go to the health club, I always ended up on a stationary upright or recumbent bikes.  Well heck, I can save some money and time by doing this at home, and after some research, I decided to buy this Sunny Health And Fitness Pro Exercise Bike .


Sunny Health And Fitness Pro Exercise Bike


Sunny Health Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike


The reviews are high, it’s a super price at $240, and I got free assembly, in which someone comes to my home and puts it together.  This will save an argument between my hubby and I putting it together ourselves.  LOL


I’ve also bought an earlier version of this, Exerpeutic Gold 525XLR Folding Recumbent Exercise Bikewhich I would recommend to anyone because it folds, rolls, and has a high weight capacity weight limit up to 400 lbs, which is great on the knees.  Heck, my sister puts her’s under her desk at home while she works.  Check out the pic below.


Exerpeutic Gold 525XLR Folding Recumbent Exercise Bike




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This Exerpeutic 400XL Folding Recumbent Bike is still available on Amazon, it’s the perfect starter bike.  It holds up to 300 lbs, rolls, and folds in a limited amount of space, and for around $150, you can’t beat the price.  Plus, if you have low back pain, knee, or hip problems, (which I do) this is a great non-bearing indoor bike to try.



Well, that’s it, I quit the gym, and I look forward to creating my own home workout space.

I will update you on my progress, but more importantly, my hope is that all of you who are trying to get healthier succeed in you quest.  Baby steps, seem to work best, and Here’s to a Happy Healthy Year!











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